Parker Maritime Technologies
PMT™ Systems and Processes:
- Improved fuel efficiency
- Quieter shipping
- Eco-friendly
- Installs quickly in the water or docked
Fuel Cost Challenges for Maritime Shipping:
- 90% by volume and 85% by value of all world’s goods travel by sea.
- 114,000 Commercial Scale Vessels
- Fuel costs for ocean transport continue to rise.
Increasing Regulatory Pressure to Reduce Green House Gas Emissions:
- IMO targets and government regulations demand 50% reduction in GHG emissions by 2050.
parker maritime technologies
Reduced Operational Costs
Our technologies result in ships being more fuel-efficient, quieter and eco-friendly.
Our Mission
At Parker Maritime Technologies, we pioneer sustainable maritime solutions to propel innovation, efficiency, and a greener world.
Our Vision
Provide the global shipping industry with the capability and capacity to realize a zero emissions industry that is profitable and eco-friendly.
Parker Maritime Technologies
Who We Work With
Our organization aims to improve shipping efficiency across a broad cross-section of maritime stakeholders.
Shipping Companies
Cruise Lines
Policy Makers
Yacht Owners

Business Owners
Our Solution
Reduces Ocean Noise Pollution:
- Our technology creates an air buffer reducing ship noise.
- This air layer reduces waterborne drag.
- Reduced sonic profile benefits marine life at sea and in port.
“The ocean is a world of sound not sight…Over the last century, however, extremely loud noise from commercial ships, oil and gas exploration, naval sonar exercises, and other sources has transformed the ocean’s delicate acoustic habitat, challenging the ability of whales and other marine life to prosper … and ultimately to survive.” -NRDC

Learn More
Maritime Engineering and Design Company
As you can see, we offer a number of services for maritime operations. We are proud to be your maritime engineering and design company with top fuel efficiency, quiet shipping, and eco-friendly measures.
To learn more about our technology to improve your maritime shipping with fuel efficiency, contact our maritime engineering and design company by emailing [email protected] or by filling out this online contact form. We will get back to you and answer any additional questions that you may have. We look forward to helping you today.
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Andrew Rathore

Andrew Rathore